
arenas for reflection: CRSEG CONTINUES sharing ONLINE ARTICLES DEALING WITH EDUCATION, VIRTUALIZATION, DIGITALIZATION AND TECHNOLOGY and how the covid19 pandemic will change the aspect of how we see education in the present.

¿What will Education look like in 2025?



5 Takes on How Tech is Changing Education, by Singularity University

Take top thinkers from Silicon Valley and science, mix them with scientists, innovators and philanthro-capitalists, and you've got the Singularity University – on a mission to seek technological solutions to the world's great challenges. Over the past several weeks, we have been writing about how technology is impacting education, exploring the skills needed to thrive in an increasingly fast-paced digital world, ventured to put a stake in the ground about what online ed might look like in 10 years, and asked teenagers what they want their education to be like.




  • It’s not just about digitalizing already-existing contents

  • Your students learning requires for your digital contents to be very well structured

  • A fine techno-educational design is fundamental

  • It is important to promote and foster active learning and interactivity

  • And you should consider having a wide-ranging variety of contents and resources.


COVID-19 and education: what about afterwards?

It is obvious that the coronavirus and the COVID 19 Pandemic will be a milestone and watershed, among other aspects, for Education and its methods. Even though face-to-face Education might return (though maybe partially), new normality will impose new rules and new ways of doing that will force us to rethink the whole system. Here are some keys to it



How is Digital Transformation happening as we speak in the context of Higher Education and how will it impact Society

At CR Servcios Educativos Globales we specialize in turning your College/High School/University analogical contents, digitalize them and incorporate them into state-of-the-art online learning campus platforms, besides providing the teaching staff with the proper training so that they can make the best out of its great tools.

We share below an article by fellow specialist #PedroGuajardo , Digital Transformation Consultant who puts this questions on digitalization in order. What will it comes next? Contact us if you want your organization to go digital.



What is Hybrid Education and how can it be of use in the Latin American context?

Hybrid Education, a multiplatform teaching method halfway between full, 100% online education and old-school. face-to-face regular education could help bridge the digital gap in Latin America and be a transitional space towards a modern XXI-century Education for the region. Here are some keys on how could it be useful within the Latin American context:


Captura de Pantalla 2020-08-13 a la(s) 13.51.28.png


Online debate on University fees; state benefits and Online Education with the participation of Pablo J. Zardini, CRSEG Director [audio in Spanish]

La Salvadoran National Assembly agreed on regulate State benefits for Higher Education Students who are finding it hard to pay for the monthly fees during COVID-19. About this issue and others related to the rise of Online Higher Education, this TV broadcasted debate between Mr. Nelson Zárate, Rector of Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador; Mr. César Calderón, Rector of Universidad Alberto Masferrer and Mr. Pablo Zardini, Director of CR SERVICIOS EDUCATIVOS GLOBALES y Higher Education specialist.


The Boom of Online Education Startups:
A growing trend that secures itself

In CR We have been working for more than over two decades promoting and boosting online education and the technological jump and investment that means going online. Fore more information on this subject, check this link. [site is in SPANISH]

The Guardian: Students like the flexibility': why online universities are here to stay

New research suggests that 20% of students are reconsidering plans to start university in the autumn – a possible 120,000 student shortfall. Yet so far, the University and College Admissions Service reports that very few have reneged on their offers. And for those already at university, a National Union of Students survey found that almost half of students were happy with their online learning.

(…) These positive experiences may permanently transform universities, believes Vijay Govindarajan, a business innovation professor at Dartmouth College in the US. “Universities can create high-quality multimedia experiences online. Lectures can be recorded in HD and reused, so more of professors’ time can be spent on interacting with students. This will improve the overall quality of learning,” he says. “Online learning might have been a long time coming in higher education, but it’s here to stay.”

MORE INFO: www.theguardian.com/education/2020/may/27/students-like-the-flexibility-why-online-universities-are-here-to-stay?fbclid=IwAR37TI0k-_ZSYt5bz5z9xgGizcp3pfiaphXC-FV3JMzj6LcH1toepQB57kc


Hepi poll: most university students want exams to continue online

A greater proportion of students would prefer their assessments to take place online than be cancelled, according to a survey of undergraduates.

The survey of about 1,000 undergraduates, carried out by YouthSight for the Higher Education Policy Institute, found that only 36 per cent of students believed that their assessments for the rest of the year should be cancelled because of the coronavirus outbreak.

It found that 42 per cent expect universities to continue assessments online and 17 per cent would prefer the assessments to be postponed until after the crisis.

(…) The poll did also show there was a slight variation in perspective depending on which year the student was in: 44 per cent of first year students thought that assessments should be cancelled, compared with 32 per cent of second-year students and 31 per cent of students in their third year. 

According to the survey, most students are satisfied with the way their university has communicated with them: 70 per cent said they felt the messaging from their higher education institution on coronavirus has been either clear or very clear

(…) The survey also showed that 49 per cent of the students surveyed were happy with the online learning put in place by their institution to replace face-to-face teaching. This was compared with 23 per cent of students who were dissatisfied and 29 per cent who said that they were neither satisfied or dissatisfied.

MORE INFO: www.timeshighereducation.com/news/hepi-poll-most-university-students-want-exams-continue-online#survey-answer



TELEPRENSA TV is one of the most long-lasting TV News Show in En Salvador, on the air ever since 1963. In this video, they cast light on the present situation of Online Education and its huge rise as a direct cause of the current CoVID19 pandemic

El Salvador: High peak of Higher Education demand in the context of Coronavirus Pandemic [VUDEO IN SPANISH]

This content belongs exclusively to www.teleprensa.tv @. More information on www.teleprensa.tv