Who we are
CR SERVICIOS EDUCATIVOS GLOBALES is a Private Consulting Group that focuses on Higher Education with the objective of providing highly specialized services to the Argentine and LatinAmerican Universitary Sector.
Originally, CR played a significant role in the process of creating a series of Private Universities in Buenos Aires and its surroundings under the frame of the —back then— new 1995 Higher Education Act (LES, in Spanish). Yet CR has later expanded and broadened its services to the present day, creating new areas and deparments as the market needs grew. The Latin American (and, needless to say, Argentine) Higher Education sector became not only self-sufficient but powerful. The Company opened up the International Funding Department, particularly aimed at Universities and their expansion and infrastructure plans. The area of Student Acquisition, managed by a highly qualified group of agents and help-deskers plays also a very important role in our Company Structure, like the Department of Social Media Branding, Digital Image and Search engine optimization (SEO).We are multitaskers. We are flexible.
“Our goal is for the Universities and its Students we work with to achieve, with our help, their full capacity.”
Since 2002, CR presence in Latin America has been growing considerably and it has strenghten its professional profile. How? By providing technical assistance to national and regional governments, multilateral and bilateral institutions, NGOs, teaching institutions and universities; that, until it became what is now one of the most important Latin American Consulting Groups when it comes to higher education.
Our Mission is to add value to the institutions and universities we work with, so that they can achieve their goals with the invaluable help and services we are able and happy to provide.